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Tofu, also known as bean curd, is a highly admired food of plant origin with great nutritional and health benefits. It is derived from soya protein and is a versatile form of soybeans that is made by curdling soymilk so that its proteins become coagulated and it is then pressed into a slice able cake. It is a natural nourishing food, and an excellent source of non animal protein for the vegetarian diet and can be considered as a good alternative to meat and fish. Tofu varies in texture from soft to firm to extra-firm. Soft tofu has a smoother texture and is suited for sauces, salad dressings, and desserts. The neutral flavour of tofu allows it to be easily incorporated into any recipe. In India, tofu is used as a low-fat replacement for paneer. Tofu represents an excellent source of many nutrients like protein, vitamins and minerals, which are highly imperative for keeping good health. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of soy peptides found in fermented soy food like t

BeetRoot - Beat the Root cause of all health problems

Beetroot ( Beta vulgaris L. ) is a crop belonging to the Chenopodiaceae family, having a bright crimson colour. It is famous for its juice value and medicinal properties; and known by several common names like beet, chard, spinach beet. sea beet. garden beet, white beet and Chukander (in Hindi).          The main benefits of beetroots are that it contains no fat, very few calories and is a great source of fiber. Beetroot can be consumed raw, used for juice extraction, baked or boiled. Red beets taste delicious when roasted, pickled, eaten in salads, or made into sou p . In contrast to fruits, the main sugar in beetroot is sucrose.  Beets have long been known for their amazing health benefits for almost every part of the body: Beets have been used in traditional medicine for hundreds of years to treat  constipation, gut and joint pain and dandruff. The high content of iron in beets regenerates and reactivates the red blood cells and supplies fresh oxygen to the body. The copper conten

Healthy and Unpolished - Brown Rice

For centuries, rice has been the part of the staple diet in India. Traditionally, we eat dehusked rice, but with time, husked brown rice has gained popularity. Brown rice is a healthier alternative to regular rice, mostly because of the way in which it is processed. When regular white rice goes through processing, the hull, bran, and germ are removed, whereas when brown rice goes through processing, only the hull is removed, while the bran and germ are left behind. The bran and germ are known to have nutritional properties and are also rich in fibre. Therefore, brown rice is a much healthier option and is associated with many health benefits: - Brown rice is a rich source of various bio active compounds, such as γ-oryzanol, tocopherol, tocotrienol, amino acids, dietary fibres and minerals. White rice is generally preferred over it, because cooking brown rice is rather difficult compared to white rice, due to its slow water absorption. The retention of the germ and the bran layers in

Avocado - I am a Good Fat...

Avocado is a tropical fruit which is pear-shaped and rich in nutrients. It is creamy, delicious and packed with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that can help keep us healthy. It is also called as the ' makhan phal'  in hindi. ·       Avocados have a high-fat content and are yet considered as one of the healthiest fruits that can be added to our diet. This is due to the good monounsaturated oils (MUFA)  content of avocados , which help lubricate joint and lower blood pressure, rather than piling up calories. ·       Consumption of avocado lead to higher HDL-cholesterol levels, lower risk of metabolic syndrome and lower BMI. ·       They aid in reducing cholesterol and preventing cardiovascular diseases and are thus, associated to a balanced diet. ·       Avocados are “powerhouse of nutrients”, and are rich in protein as well as fat soluble vitamins. Avocados contain lutein and zeaxanthin; two phytochemicals which help to protect and maintain ocular health. Desp

Mango - Sweet Summer Fest

Mangifera indica  L . (mango) is commonly known as “the king of fruits” because it is the most popular fruit in tropical regions. It is the national fruit of India and the Philippines, and the national tree of Bangladesh. There are many different kinds of mango which vary in color, shape, flavor, and seed size. Although mango skin can be green, red, yellow, or orange, i n color, inner flesh is mostly golden yellow. From pickle to aam ras, we all wait for summer to make delicious recipes using this fruit. This fruit is not only delicious but also boasts an impressive nutritional profile. Mango fruit is rich in pre-biotic dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and  poly-phenolic flavonoid  antioxidant compounds. This fruit is an excellent source of Vitamin-A and flavonoids like  β -carotene, α -carotene, and  β -cryptoxanthin. These compounds have been known to have antioxidant properties and are essential for vision. Vitamin-A also required for maintaining a healthy mucosa and skin.

Pinch of Cinnamon

“Cinnamon” also known as “Dalchini” in hindi, is one of the most important and common  spices used daily all over the world. In India, most curries and gravies are incomplete without  adding this spice. Due to its exotic flavour and aroma, it is a key kitchen ingredient in every  household and is also commonly used in baking. Cinnamon is made by drying small strips of  the inner bark of cinnamon tree stems, which are finally curled into rolls called “cinnamon  sticks”. These sticks are then ground to produce cinnamon powder. Health Benefits of Cinnamon: Cinnamon primarily contains, vital oil like “cinnamaldehyde”, mostly used for its anti-microbial and anti -inflammatory activity. It not only has antioxidant, anticancer, cardiovascular disease lowering compound, but also has been reported to have activities against neurological disorders, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. Cinnamon is known to help lower the blood sugar level in diabetics patients It is also known to

Quintessential tale of Quinoa..!!

Your Quinoa Quest ends here…. Quinoa is included in the “whole grains” category, gaining popularity due to its many health benefits. It is pronounced as “ kveen - vaa ”. Most common types of quinoa available in grocery stores are white, red, and black. Consumption of quinoa has become increasingly popular among people interested in improving and maintaining their health status by changing dietary habits. Both seeds as well as sprouts of quinoa are excellent examples of ‘functional food’, defined as foods lowering the risk of various diseases.     Quinoa is nutritionally same or superior to other commonly consumed cereals due to following health benefits: They are a good source of proteins: 100 grams of cooked quinoa provides 4-5 grams of proteins. Thus, it can be used as a vegetarian substitute of protein nutrition and can be included in the diet. The content of essential amino acids is higher in quinoa than in most common cereals. Quinoa has a high content

The Tale of Forgotten Banana...

We know bananas are an affordable, always available, most edible but overlooked fruit. Across the world they vary in color, size, shape and  are commonly used as a natural home remedy circling an upset stomach, ulcer or acidity. Many of us have misconceptions about banana consumption contributing to weight gain. However, a medium sized banana contains only 90 calories, which makes it a great evening or mid -morning snack to munch on rather than sugar loaded or oily fried treats. Carry one as a snack and your stomach will be thanking you whenever a sudden hunger pang grips you. Bananas contain tryptophan, an amino acid that helps our body to produce Serotonin, that aids our body to regulate sleep, so from now if you get late night munchies, reach for Banana, your body will thank you for this perfect bedtime snack.! Banana is also an excellent source of potassium. A single banana provides us with 23% of the potassium that we need on a daily basis. Potassium benefits the m


Eating out? or Carrying multiple snack boxes which are invariably a spill hazard? Just carry a healthy jar and spill it over in a bowl to eat. Preparing a salad jar for your lunches can make it a lot easier to resist temptation when faced with fast or unhealthy food options. These jars are handy and easy to eat even in jam packed schedules. And, we can always make extra jars and use them as side salads for brunches or dinners. They can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, but consuming it on the same day will taste fresher. There are so many combinations that we can prepare and enjoy every day of the week. Moreover, the best thing is we don’t need to purchase a lot of ingredients, just switching to or adding our favorite ingredients/dressings in each salad can easily serve a different taste combination each day. The main mantra that needs to kept in mind is: Keep the wet ingredients away from the greens.,This means things like salad dressing, chopped tomatoe