The Tale of Forgotten Banana...

We know bananas are an affordable, always available, most edible but overlooked fruit. Across the world they vary in color, size, shape and are commonly used as a natural home remedy circling an upset stomach, ulcer or acidity.

Many of us have misconceptions about banana consumption contributing to weight gain. However, a medium sized banana contains only 90 calories, which makes it a great evening or mid -morning snack to munch on rather than sugar loaded or oily fried treats. Carry one as a snack and your stomach will be thanking you whenever a sudden hunger pang grips you.

Bananas contain tryptophan, an amino acid that helps our body to produce Serotonin, that aids our body to regulate sleep, so from now if you get late night munchies, reach for Banana, your body will thank you for this perfect bedtime snack.!

Banana is also an excellent source of potassium. A single banana provides us with 23% of the potassium that we need on a daily basis. Potassium benefits the muscles as it helps maintain their proper working and prevents spasms. So, next time you see bananas remember, it's as nutritious and healthy as any other fruit.

To get our recipe of crazy lazy banana, check this link out:


  1. It seems delicious but be more clear with recipes please Yash and Girish both are foodies looks yummy

    1. Thanks for the feedback, happy to see your interest in the recipe..You can always reach out to me on mail for any queries.


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